Lethality Risk Factors Series: Recent Separation

Recent separation is a critical lethality risk factor for intimate partner homicide as perpetrators often sense a potential loss of control over their partner, increasing the likelihood of violent retaliation against the separated partner. The period of post-separation is marked by increased danger, as it may intensify the perpetrator’s feelings of rejection and contribute to … Continued

DVRNA Factsheet

Overview of the Domestic Violence Risk and Needs Assessment.

A Review of State Standards for Batterer Intervention Treatment Programs and the Colorado Model

Many states aiming to improve domestic-violence offender treatment have passed legislative standards for Batterer Intervention Treatment (BIT). This article reviews existing literature in relation to state standards for BIT in general and Colorado’s unique model for BIT specifically. In addition, existing research focused on the Colorado model’s adherence to evidence-based practices and principles is discussed, … Continued

Colorado’s Innovative Response to Domestic Violence Offender Treatment: Current Achievements and Recommendations for the Future

The Domestic Violence Offender Management Board (DVOMB) is mandated by the Colorado legislature to ensure the effectiveness of domestic violence offender treatment in Colorado by overseeing the implementation and evaluation of the Standards for Treatment with Court Ordered Domestic Violence Offenders (referred to hereafter as Standards). This report reviews the process and risk assessment tool … Continued
