IPVI Deep Dive

Understanding the purpose of an intimate partner violence risk model and what’s involved in its implementation is important when deciding whether it is the correct one for your jurisdiction. This video take a deeper dive into the Intimate Partner Violence Intervention (IPVI) model.

ODARA Part 1 Training

This online ODARA training for law enforcement is part 1 of the overall training to administer the risk assessment. Part  2 will be an in-person training. This part 1 training is comprised of 6 lessons with 5 quizzes.

ODARA Deep Dive

Understanding the purpose of an assessment and what’s involved in its implementation is important when deciding whether an assessment is the correct one for your jurisdiction. This video take a deeper dive into the Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA).

Risk Assessment Planning Meetings

As you and your team start planning for the implementation of an IPV risk assessment or high risk team, it is helpful to collate and refer back to the meeting notes and information that was discussed. These are also helpful for risk assessment authors or subject matter experts, and can reduce repetitive discussions.

Data Collection Activity

The purpose of this activity is to help gather data from your community and at different intervention points, to help support you in selecting and implementing an IPV risk assessment. The data will help identify case trends, who is being most impacted by IPV, and possible areas for strengthened planning and intervention.

Listening Sessions

When seeking to implement or improve the use of intimate partner violence (IPV)  risk assessments or models, it is important to seek input from a diverse group of stakeholders and community members. Especially critical is the inclusion of racially and ethnically diverse communities. Listening sessions can be an effective way to gather this important information … Continued

Risk Assessment Partnerships & Information Sharing

The sharing of risk information and risk assessments has many implications for survivor safety and confidentiality. This brief training by Alicia Aiken from the Confidentiality Institute explores some considerations for the use of IPV risk assessments and sharing of risk information among partners and stakeholders.

Technology in Collaborations

Technology is used in a varitety of ways in intimate partner violence (IPV) cases, including to share risk assessments and risk information. This brief training by Toby Shulruff from the Safety Net Project explores some ways that partner agencies can collaborate and use technology in a way that promotes privacy and security.

Project Sustainability

Sustainability is a critical planning function which ensures adequate and continual long-term support and infrastructure for a project, that will sustain it beyond its initial implementation. Therefore it is important to identify and place resources to secure a stable base of support not only within the organization but also within the community, early on in … Continued

Survivor-Informed Practice Self-Guided Assessment

Incorporating a diverse range of survivor voices, as well as the voices of families, friends, and community members who have been impacted by domestic violence homicide is critical to prevention efforts. It ensures that anti-domestic violence efforts are informed by the real experiences of survivors, ensuring that previous gaps and challenges are remedied, that policies … Continued

Project Vision and Goal Setting

Creating a unified vision for your project can help you prioritize your goals and objectives and create buy-in from all of your partners. Culturally specific community partners should be an integral part of the vision and goal setting for your project. Identifying and prioritizing the goals and objectives of your project will inform what domestic … Continued

Community Resource Mapping

Resource mapping is the process of identifying and documenting community-based resources, such as social service providers, advocacy organizations, and legal services that support survivor safety, domestic violence homicide prevention, and services for the abusive partner to address their domestic violence risk. Community resource mapping can help communities to accomplish several goals, including: Identifying new resources … Continued

Strategic Plan

After completing the community readiness and strategic planning activities, sit down with your team and discuss and complete the strategic plan template.

System Analysis Mapping (SAM): Understanding Current Practice

A thorough system map will provide your team with a clear picture of which stakeholders are currently assessing for risk, what risk assessment is being used, and with whom the risk information is being shared. Once identified, this knowledge provides a solid basis from which to develop a responsive plan in which the risk assessment … Continued

Training Needs Assessment

Proper training is critical to ensuring understanding of the full system response to domestic violence in your community, including how risk and lethality assessment tools can be used effectively and safely. A training needs assessment can help your community learn about the current systems response to domestic violence, specifically the gaps and challenges, so you … Continued

Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities, and Results (SCOR) Analysis

A SCOR analysis can help your community assess how it currently responds to domestic violence risk and lethality. This exercise is intended to prompt discussion across systems and agencies about what’s working well, what your vision for the future is, and what changes need to be made to achieve your vision. The focus should be … Continued

Statutory Framework: What Does Your Jurisdiction Allow You to Do?

It can be helpful to look at your jurisdiction’s laws and statutes that correspond to domestic violence risk assessment. Through thorough examination of your state laws, you will identify how  stakeholders are permitted by statute to include risk information in their decision-making. With your project team or partners, you will discuss the questions in the … Continued
