State Intimate Partner Violence-Related Firearm Laws and Intimate Partner Homicide Rates in the United States, 1991 to 2015

To prevent intimate partner homicide (IPH), some states have adopted laws restricting firearm possession by intimate partner violence (IPV) offenders. “Possession” laws prohibit the possession of firearms by these offenders. “Relinquishment” laws prohibit firearm possession and also explicitly require offenders to surrender their firearms. Few studies have assessed the effect of these policies.

Intimate Partner Homicide in England and Wales 2011–2013: Pathways to Prediction from Multi-agency Domestic Homicide Reviews

This study conducted a detailed review of investigative source material, police database information and the official independent author reviews of the 188 cases of intimate partner homicide recorded in England and Wales between April 2011 and March 2013. Descriptive analytical techniques were used to explore the prevalence of various characteristics of victims, offenders and relationships … Continued

Systematic Review of Mental Health Disorders and Intimate Partner Violence Victimisation Among Military Populations

There is growing awareness of the problem of intimate partner violence (IPV) among military populations. IPV victimisation has been shown to be associated with mental disorder. A better understanding of the link between IPV and mental disorder is needed to inform service development to meet the needs of military families. We aimed to systematically review … Continued

An Examination of the Interrater Reliability and Concurrent Validity of the Spousal Assault Risk Assessment Guide – Version 3 (SARA-V3)

The Spousal Assault Risk Assessment Guide-Version 2 (SARA-V2; Kropp, Hart, Webster, & Eaves, 1995, 1999, 2008) is one of the most widely used Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) risk assessment tools in the world. After over 20 years, the SARA has been updated to reflect advances in research related to IPV and risk assessment more generally. … Continued

Informing Collaborative Interventions: Intimate Partner Violence Risk Assessment for Front Line Police Officers

Police officers have a unique opportunity to administer risk assessment at the scene of intimate partner violence (IPV) incidents. This article examines the predictive validity of two IPV risk assessments developed for administration by front line police officers and intended to inform collaborative interventions between the criminal justice and social service systems. The Lethality Screen … Continued

A Small Constellation: Risk Factors Informing Police Perceptions of Domestic Abuse

Police in the United States (US) and the United Kingdom (UK) now routinely use risk assessment tools to identify common risk factors for re-abuse and lethality when responding to domestic abuse. Nevertheless, little is known about the extent to which officers understand and perceive the importance of factors commonly included on risk assessment tools for … Continued

Non-Specialization of Criminal Careers among Intimate Partner Violence Offenders

Many men arrested for intimate partner violence (IPV) commit other types of criminal offenses as well. We examined IPV offenders’ general offending in more detail than previous studies, and tested the ability of criminal career trajectory and an IPV-specific risk assessment (the Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment; ODARA) to predict post-index recidivism. We retrieved police … Continued

Intimate Partner Violence Intervention (IPVI) High Point Police Department

Since 2009, the National Network for Safe Communities (NNSC) and partners in High Point, NC have been piloting an Intimate Partner Violence Intervention (IPVI), based on the focused deterrence framework. For years, the city struggled to control its IPV problem. Despite efforts to address the problem, IPV rates remained steady and fully a third of … Continued

Male Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Homicide: A Review and Proposed Typology

Nearly one in seven homicides worldwide involve killing of an intimate partner, and men are four times more likely to be the perpetrators of these offenses. This article is a review of the literature on male perpetrators of intimate partner homicide (IPH) with an emphasis on the demographic, psychiatric, situational, and motivational characteristics consistently identified … Continued

Spousal Assaulters in Outpatient Mental Health Care: The Relevance of Structured Risk Assessment

This study examined whether a typology of perpetrators of intimate partner violence (IPV) could be replicated in a Dutch sample (N = 154) of self-referred IPV perpetrators using a structured risk assessment tool for relational violence (Brief Spousal Assault Form for the Evaluation of Risk [B-SAFER]). Findings support the previous IPV perpetrator subtypes: low-level antisocial … Continued
