Armed, Prohibited and Violent at Home: Implementation and Enforcement of Restrictions on Gun Possession by Domestic Violence Offenders in Four U.S. Localities

Firearms increase the risk of lethality in violent intimate relationships. Policies that restrict access to firearms by respondents to civil domestic violence protective orders (DVROs) are associated with reductions in intimate partner homicide, yet there is scant literature about how such prohibitions are implemented. We document how four localities are implementing gun possession prohibitions that … Continued

The Validity and Reliability of Available Intimate Partner Homicide and Reassault Risk Assessment Tools: A Systematic Review

At least one in seven homicides around the world is perpetrated by intimate partners. The danger of intimate partner homicide (IPH) associated with intimate partner violence (IPV) has led to the development of numerous IPV reassault and IPH risk assessment tools. Using 18 electronic databases and research repositories, we conducted a systematic review of IPH … Continued

Analysis of Domestic Violence Related Homicides in Los Angeles County: Media Portrayals, Demographics, and Precipitating Circumstances

Intimate partner violence (IPV) remains a pressing public health issue. Nationally, 1 in 5 women and 1 in 10 men have sustained severe physical violence from an intimate partner. Intimate partner homicides (IPH) are the most serious IPV outcome. This study examined documented IPH in Los Angeles County during 2017, analyzing if precipitating circumstances, victim … Continued

A systematic review of intimate partner violence interventions focused on improving social support and/ mental health outcomes of survivors

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a key public health issue, with a myriad of physical, sexual and emotional consequences for the survivors of violence. Social support has been found to be an important factor in mitigating and moderating the consequences of IPV and improving health outcomes. This study’s objective was to identify and assess network … Continued

New Approaches to Policing High-Risk Intimate Partner Victims and Offenders

This article examines two victim-focused models of intimate partner violence (IPV) risk assessment that are used in the United States: the Lethality Assessment Program (LAP) and the Domestic Violence High-Risk Team (DVHRT) model. In 2012 NIJ and the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) launched the Domestic Violence Homicide Prevention Demonstration Initiative to further expand … Continued

The Predictive Validity of Intimate Partner Violence Risk Assessments Conducted by Practitioners in Different Settings—a Review of the Literature

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a global health problem with severe consequences. One way to prevent repeat IPV is to identify the offender’s risk of recidivism by conducting a risk assessment and then implement interventions to reduce the risk. In order to be effective, accurate risk assessments and effective interventions are required. Practitioners in different … Continued

Determining Batterer Intervention Program Treatment Intensities: An Illustration Using the Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment

To incorporate evidence-based practices into batterer intervention programs (BIPs), some intimate partner violence (IPV) researchers have begun to explore the integration of the principles of effective intervention (PEI) into BIPs. The PEI risk principle states that programs should assess offenders’ risk for recidivism, and then match offenders’ risk levels to the intensity of treatment and … Continued

“You Do Not Think of Me as a Human Being”: Race and Gender Inequities Intersect to Discourage Police Reporting of Violence against Women

Intimate partner violence (IPV) and sexual violence (SV) are drivers of women’s morbidity and mortality in urban environments yet remain among the most underreported crimes in the USA. Twenty-six in-depth interviews were conducted with women who experienced past-year IPV or SV, to explore structural and community influences on police contact in Baltimore, MD. Results indicate … Continued

Help-Seeking Patterns Among LGBTQ Young Adults Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence Victimization

Although intimate partner violence (IPV) is highly prevalent among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) young adults, only little is known regarding gender identity disparities in this population. Findings in this study provide a more complete understanding of gender identity as both risk and protective factors for IPV and IPV-related help-seeking. This study also … Continued

Intimate Partner Homicide of Adolescents

Intimate partner violence during adolescence is widespread, and consequences can be severe. Intimate partner homicide (IPH) is the most extreme form of intimate partner violence, but literature on IPH has almost exclusively focused on adults. The objective of this investigation is to determine the proportion of adolescent homicides that is perpetrated by intimate partners and … Continued
