Armed, Prohibited and Violent at Home: Implementation and Enforcement of Restrictions on Gun Possession by Domestic Violence Offenders in Four U.S. Localities

Firearms increase the risk of lethality in violent intimate relationships. Policies that restrict access to firearms by respondents to civil domestic violence protective orders (DVROs) are associated with reductions in intimate partner homicide, yet there is scant literature about how such prohibitions are implemented. We document how four localities are implementing gun possession prohibitions that … Continued

Domestic Violence Risk Assessment And The Family Court

This webinar commences with a discussion of various perspectives (advocacy, judicial, family law attorneys, court administrator, intimate partner violence victim/survivor) on family court systems. Dr. Websdale addresses the significance of intimate partner violence in family court, the importance of assessing the extent, context, and meaning of such violence, and the relevance and possible usefulness of … Continued

Kansas City Domestic Violence Court: Assessing Risk, Addressing Needs

Designated a mentor court by the Office on Violence Against Women, the Kansas City Municipal Domestic Violence Court serves as a model for other jurisdictions interested in improving responses to intimate partner violence. In this podcast, Judge Courtney Wachal and Megan Sartin, the offender accountability coordinator, explain how the court works, including how they assess offender … Continued

How Arizona Prosecutors Implemented a Statewide Domestic Violence Risk Assessment

Arizona recently implemented a statewide domestic violence risk assessment tool for intimate partners that measures the perpetrator’s likelihood to commit a severe re-assault within seven months that would result in serious physical injury or death to the victim. This tool, known as the APRAIS (Arizona intimate Partner Risk Assessment Instrument System),  is approved by the … Continued

Assessing Risk for Domestic Violence: A Pilot in New York

In 2012, the 8th Judicial District in New York State (NYS) identified the issue of risk assessment as a crucial component to judicial decision-making in domestic violence cases. In June 2012, the NYS Office of Court Administration, together with the (then) Center for Court Innovation, used federal funding to support the 8th Judicial District Risk … Continued
