DV RISC Technical Assistance Portal
Through the DV RISC Technical Assistance Portal we can respond to your needs and inquiries on identifying, implementing, or enhancing an intimate partner violence (IPV) risk assessment and connect you with a variety of resources and experts in the field. Contacting us through the portal will enable you to receive individualized attention and customized support from our team. Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) can be provided on-site and remotely. Descriptions of sample requested services and topics are listed below.
*PLEASE NOTE:* Requests for in-person TTA should be made at least three months before the desired delivery date.
Technical Assistance
- Foundational grounding on IPV risk and lethality assessment strategies, and considerations for effective risk assessment implementation
- Strategic planning on identifying, implementing, or enhancing a risk or lethality assessment strategy
Community Engagement
- Identifying and addressing the unique needs of historically marginalized populations in the planning and implementation of a risk or lethality assessment strategy
- Guidance on gathering local survivor input for risk assessment implementation and policy development
- Facilitating meaningful and equitable conversations between system agencies and community based organizations
- Referrals to Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) for training in a specific risk or lethality assessment or model
- Referrals to SMEs and other national technical assistance (TA) providers for training and technical assistance (TTA) in effective risk assessment implementation and policy development
Peer to Peer Learning
- Connections with other jurisdictions and specific professional groups implementing IPV risk and lethality assessment strategies
Looking for some other type of support?
Let us know what you need.
Anyone is eligible for technical assistance support. You do not need to be funded by the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) or any other federal agency in order to receive support.
You can expect to be contacted by a member of the DV RISC project team as soon as possible. If several days have passed and you have not received any communication, you can send an email to dvrisc@innovatingjustice.org
Receiving support through our technical assistance portal and from our project team is completely free. However, depending on your needs, we may recommend a training by an external agency and there may be associated costs. But we will discuss this with you, first.
Please refer to our Privacy Notice on how we will handle your information.
OVW- the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women funds and oversees this project, but they are not involved in the daily operations of the DV RISC website or technical assistance portal.